If you've never done any home canning here are a few tips:
- sterilize jars right before use, either in a dishwasher on sterilize setting or in boiling water on the stove, keep warm until pouring in hot jam to avoid breaking jars with temperature change
- purchase a funnel that fits inside the top of the jar to help avoid spills when ladeling in hot jam
- purchase a set of jar lifting tongs, they really are the best way to avoid dropping hot glass jars
- the box of Ball brand fruit pectin comes with a little recipe booklet inside, there are tons of jam and jelly recipes on that little booklet
- please visit http://www.homecanning.com/ for lots of useful information and recipes
- don't be afraid to mix fruits and berries, strawberry raspberry is a good combination as well as raspberry blackberry, yumm yumm!
- I do not recommend EVER trying to make orange marmalade, it is an unGodly amount of work that will leave your fingers orange for days, I speak from experience
Happy Jam Making!
I will have to try it. I have never made jam before, but it looks great!
Thanks for posting this. I can't wait to try it.
Good luck ladies! It's really very simple to make and can fruit jams. Once I tried it, I was hooked!
Ohmy! This looks like a lot of work! hmm...maybe i'll have to pass on canning! LOL!
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This looks great!!
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Jolly Mom
Yummy. I sure wish I could cook.
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